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Sir John Maddox


SIR JOHN MADDOX studied physics and was chief-editor of the renomated science magazine Nature during 23 years. He was also member of a number of advisory Royal Commissions on environmental polution and genetic modification.
In 1995 he retired from Nature and started to finish his book ‘What remains to be Discovered’. It was an answer to the challenge his then 12-year old son Bruno had faced him with: As editor of science, you of all persons should be able to predict what will be discovered next.
Maddox made an inventory of all the weak spots and contradictions in science, convinced that those would be the places where new and deaper insights will emerge. It is Maddox’s firm belief that the whole of nature will eventually be not only researched and analysed but also understood.
At the moment (summer 2002) he works in the cellar of his old house in London on his book on the evolution of man.

The Spread of Nuclear Weapons (1962)
Revolution in Biology (1963)
The Doomsday Syndrome (1972)
Beyond the Energy Crisis (1974)
What remains to be Discovered (1998)

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