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John Horgan

John Horgan

JOHN HORGAN is a freelance writer who wrote the book ‘The End of Science’. It was a bestseller in the USA and it was translated into 11 languages (including Dutch). Until the publication of his book, he worked during ten years as an editor for Scientific American. But his skeptikal view on science -which emerged from his book The End of Science- was not appreciated at the office and consequently Horgan was fired.
Since then Horgan writes from the cabin behind his house in the forests of the Hudson valley north of New York. He shares the house with his wife Suzie Gilbert (who writes children’s books and specialised in bird care), his children Mac and Skye and a varying number of birds with two parrots as permanent residents. In his cabin, he writes for the New York Times, Time, Washington Post, Science and other magazines. But he likes writing books most, such as the one on mysticism he’s working on at the moment (summer 2002).
Horgan’s books are milestones in his personal development that leads him from reductionist science into mysterianism. At the end there’s mysterie, Horgan thinks. The beginning of the universe, beginning of life, consciousness.. These are all mysteries for ever out of reach of human understanding, in Horgan’s view at least.

The End of Science (1996)
The Undiscoverd Mind (1999)

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